Steady Mind Videos
- Alternate Nostril Breathing for improved concentration and focus – great for balancing the mind, reducing distractions and improving a sense of calm when anxious
- Seated Forward fold for releasing tension in the body and the mind– This stretch will lengthen the spine to help stimulate it and it will reduce tension in your mind!
- Do you have depression or are you just in a slump? – Advice from a family therapist on the symptoms of depression
- Tension Headache Advice and Remedy Stretches – Get some great information and therapies from Dr. Sajko, a Chiropractic Sports Specialist
- Help me to deal with an ANGRY person – Get some great advice from Carolyn Burke. She is an individual and group therapist who will give you some great tips on how to handle this issue.
- Dealing with an anxiety/panic attack as it happens – Get the know how from our individual/family therapist as she talks about what to do when an anxiety or panic attack sneaks up on you! These are great strategies to know.
- Courage to try something you have been wanting to do…. Carolyn Burke, our individual and couple therapist will talk to you about making a change that you want to do but are finding yourself apprehensive to start. See what Carolyn has to say….
- Parenting Teens – Communication 101 – Lynda Stockwell, a family and group therapist gives us advice on parenting teens.
- How To Listen More Effectively for Improved Relationships – get some great advice from our personal and couple therapist, Lynda Stockwell.